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Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)

Sr. No Photo Name Designation Email Address Phone Number Intercom Work Allocation
1.image of Shri Giriraj Singh PhotoShri Giriraj SinghMinister of Textilesminister[dot]textiles[at]gov[dot]in23060482, 23061385, 23061321387
2.image of Shri. Pabitra Margherita PhotoShri. Pabitra MargheritaMinister of State for Textiles.mos-textiles[at]gov[dot]in
3.image of Smt Rachna Shah PhotoSmt Rachna ShahSecretary(Textiles)secy-textiles[at]nic[dot]in23061769
4.image of Ms. Amrit Raj PhotoMs. Amrit RajDC (Handicrafts)dc-handicrafts[at]gov[dot]in011-26106902 / 26103562214Head of Department
5.image of Sh. Shekhar Srivastava PhotoSh. Shekhar SrivastavaJoint Director(Handicrafts)shekhar.srivastava[at]nic[dot]in01126103206202Establishment and Administration,Coordination & Planning,Handicrafts Website, Design,R&D,Welfare,MHSC,Parliament,Regional Parformance Monitoring-WR/CR/SR, Training & Samarth,Vigilance,Legal,Hindi,RTI
6.image of Shri Anuj Ojha PhotoShri Anuj OjhaJoint Development Commissioner26191569201Infrastructure and Technology support,CHSDS,AHVY,Institution(TFC,RGB,IICT), Handicrafts Portal,Budget & Accounts,Crafts Complex, Reginal Performance Monitoring-ER/NER/NR,MSS,Crafts Museum
7.image of Sh. Mukesh Kumar PhotoSh. Mukesh Kumar Deputy Director (HC)welfare-dchc-textiles[at]gov[dot]in+91-11-26100049240Institutional
8.image of Sh. Youdhbeer Singh PhotoSh. Youdhbeer SinghDeputy Director(B&A)budget-dchc-textiles[at]gov[dot]in+91-11-26181413213Budget
9.image of Sh. D.V. Sreenatha PhotoSh. D.V. SreenathaSr. Assistant Director(HC)--01126181413Cluster
10.image of Sh. V P Joshi PhotoSh. V P JoshiAssistant DirectorMOS Section
11.image of Sh. Pradyuman Pandey PhotoSh. Pradyuman PandeyAssistant Director (HC)pradyuman.pandey[at]gov[dot]in+91-11-26108985208Welfare,EHRMS related work,Portal related work & IT
12.image of Sh. Archit Sahare PhotoSh. Archit SahareAssistant Director (HC)------011-26104563241Dilli, Haat National, Exhibition,International Marketing. Work related to Craft Complex, Vasant Kunj.
13.image of Sh. Shatrudhan Kumar PhotoSh. Shatrudhan Kumar Assistant Director (A&C)shatrudhan.90[at]gov[dot]in011-26178675242TFC and MHSC
14.image of Sh. Sunil kumar PhotoSh. Sunil kumarAssistant Director (A&C)011-26178640215Legal and Hindi
15.image of Sh. Rakesh Kumar Dabkeya PhotoSh. Rakesh Kumar Dabkeya Assistant Director (A&C) rakeshkr[dot]90[at]gov[dot]in, mailtodch@gmail.com+91-11-26178607266C&P and Parliament
16.image of Sh. Ranjeet Kumar PhotoSh. Ranjeet KumarAssistant Director (HC)ranjitkumar.rahi@gov.in011-26177790SDHS(Design)
17.image of Astha Agarwal PhotoAstha AgarwalAssistant Director (HC)astha.agarwal89@gov.in011-26183619209General,RTI,Head of Office
18.image of Sh. Siby Michael PhotoSh. Siby MichaelAssistant Director(H)siby.michael@gov.in011 26104563247CHCDS, Mega Cluster ,Infrastructure
19.image of Sh. Susheel Kumar K.S. PhotoSh. Susheel Kumar K.S.Assistant Director (HC)susheelkumar[dot]ks[at]gov[dot]in011-26177790245Training including Samarth and Website related matter
20.image of Nita T. G. PhotoNita T. G.Assistant Director (HC)C&P and Grievance
21.image of Sh. Manjuswamy D T PhotoSh. Manjuswamy D TAssistant Director (HC)manju.swamydt@gov.in01126104563243Marketing,Domestic marketing, publicity, Grant Promotion & Domestic Events including GSB.
22.image of Sh. Gyanendra Singh PhotoSh. Gyanendra SinghAssistant Director(HC)singh.gyanendra@nic.inEstablishment
23.image of Sh. Kamaljeet Kaur PhotoSh. Kamaljeet KaurAccounts Officer------011-26176614211Accounts & DDO